Thursday, August 19, 2010

Author Research: Nathaniel Hawthorne

The year was 1804 when Nathaniel Hawthorne was born n Salem, Massachusetts(Liukkonen). His family had a long History in Salem even dating back to the Salem Witch Trials where his relative was a judge (Liukkonen). Hawthorne's mother was not always present throughout his childhood and lived a life of seclusion until her death (Liukkonen). Later, the Hawthorne Family moved to Maine, where Nathaniel attended Bowdion (Liukkonen). At the age of 21 Hawthorne started working as writer (Liukkonen). Through Hawthorne's young college days and his initial start as a writer he grew to know many important people. His college friend, Franklin Pierce eventually became President of the United States (Liukkonen). The more people Hawthorne met the easier it would become for him to break-out as a writer.

Hawthorne was very critical of his writing. He was even known to burn his unsold copies of his first books, and didn't believe himself to be a professional (Liukkonen). FANSHAWE (1828), Hawthorne's first novel, was based on his college experience and after Hawthorne paid out-of-pocket to publish the novel, it did not do well so he burned the remaining copies (Liukkonen). Hawthorne even wrote about his astonishment that anyone would want to read his works about his life in his Sketch, The Custom House, the introduction to The Scarlet Letter. Despite his doubts, Hawthorne was a talented writer and even was recognized by Edgar Allan Poe (Liukkonen).

In 1842, Hawthorne's family did not attend his wedding to, bride, Sophia Peabody (Liukkonen). After their marriage Hawthorne began to look for other work as his writer's salary would not be enough to support his family (Liukkonen). This caused Hawthorne to work in many places he did not like doing jobs he did not enjoy (Liukkonen). Hawthorne completed some 37 works throughout his life most of which were not published until after his death (Liukkonen). Hawthorne mostly wrote about himself and his life experiences, though not all of his books were autobiographical. The majority of his novels were fiction and based on his own experiences. each time Hawthorne moved to a new location or acquired a new job it was a new experience for him to write about.

Nathaniel Hawthorne was a humble man who desired his peers approval. He was devastated when his books would not do well, though he never expected they would. he was a dedicated husband and though his true passion was for writing he would still work to try to provide for his family. Hawthorne died after returning to the United States from a stay in Europe(Liukkonen). He was appointed as a consul by the president to England(Liukkonen). After he serve four years in England he spent a stay in Italy before returning to the United States (Liukkonen). Throughout Hawthornes sixty years of life her met many people and encountered a variety of situations that all helped to make him a better writer. From his education to his upbringing and family life all of these things made Nathaniel Hawthorne the famous writer we still talk about today some hundred years later.

Works Cited
Liukkonen, Petri. "Nathaniel Hawthorne." 2008. Web. 19 Aug. 2010. .


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