Sunday, August 22, 2010

Solemn Conclusion

The Scarlet Letter By: Nathaniel Hawthorne (pg. 193-204)

As the sermon ends the townspeople exit the church there is a bussel of discussion on how moving the sermon was. This proved to be Dimmesdales best sermon yet. When Dimmesdale leaves the church the procession begins again except this time he looks tired and weary of the weight of his body. He slowly walked with the procession until he reached the scaffold where Hester and Pearl stood. He stopped and walked over to the scaffold and asked Pearl and Hester to come to him. Hester was very hesitant with the whole town watching and didn't want Dimmesdale to do this. The magistrstes couldn't understand what was going on and told him to send the child and Hester away. Dimmesdale lead Hester and Pearl up to the platform and he asked Pearl if she would kiss him, and she did. Dimmesdale made a speech on the platform confessing his sin and scolding the town for how they have treated Hester and loved him. He finished his speech and condemed Chillingworth for his wrong doing and he soon died on the platform. Hester and Pearl soon disappeared and Chillingworth fell ill. Within a year Chillingworth had died and left all of his estates to Pearl making her the largest heiress in New England. Pearl is belived to have lived in an estate in England and Hester returned to Salem to die. On her gravestone she bore the scarlet letter.

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