Sunday, August 22, 2010

Unexpected Change to Plans

The Scarlet Letter By: Nathaniel Hawthorne (pg. 167-183)

Coming home from the forest, despite his encounter with Pearl, Dimmesdale is happy and feels like a new man. He has urges to talk with people along the way home and is noticing that all is the same except for him. The only problem was when asked for a verse of encouragement the clergyman could not think of one to give. When Dimmesdale arrived at his home he immediately to his study. He had started a sermon for election day but due to his new attitude and that being the last sermon he would give before returning to England with Hester he decided to rewrite it. When Chillingworth came in, shock took over Dimmesdale and he sat and starred until offered medicine and then he declined and said he was feeling very well. Chillingworth seems suspicious and has an idea that Hester has talked to Dimmesdale.

The last day before they leave arrives and it will be the day the new governor is announced and Dimmesdale gives his speech. The procession of the late governor begins to come through when the ship captain informs Hester of an additional passenger- Roger Chillingworth.Hester plays off her shock by agreeing, no that shouldn't be a problem Dimmesdale has lived with him many years.

I am shocked. I wonder how Chillingworth managed to find out they were leaving town and get on the same boat as them. The clergyman was getting away from Chillingworth and now he is tagging along. Will Hester and Dimmesdale's Dream and hope for a new life be ruined?


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