Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Soupy Conclusion

The Bean Trees
By: Barbara Kingsolver
Page 312

"She watched the dark highway and entertained herself with her vegetable song, except now there were people mixed in with the beans and potatoes: Dwaye Ray, Mattie, Esperanza, Lou Ann and all the rest. And me. I was the main ingredient."

This quote concludes the novel as taylor is finally able to have Turtle as her own and able to keep her safe forever more. Turtle finally learned some new words. This shows that people are the most important thing and thats the not the bokk closes on. Taylor cares for Turtle and Turtle cares for Taylor.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
page 299

"Mama, you were always so good to me. I've been meaning to tell you that. You acted like I'd hung up the moon. Sometimes I couldn't believe you thought I was That good"
"But most of the time you believed it."
"Yeah. I guess most of the time I thought you were right."

Children who are told they are awesome will grow up believing they are awesome. The words you say are powerful and you need to know to gaurd your words


The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
Page 280

It's also interesting how it's hard to be depressed around a three-year-old, if you're paying attention. After a while whatever you're mooning about begins to seem like some elaborate adult invention.

Children forget easily and forgive often. They are very blunt and will tell you when they are unhappy. The don't hide their emotions and when they are happy you can't help but smile. Children remind of what it is like to live life care-free and just be happy in the moment.

Fresh Start

The Bean Trees By; Barbara Kingsolver
Page 259

"I chose a new name for myself too, when I left home," I said to Estevan. "We all have that in common."
"You did? What was it before?"
I made a face. "Marietta."
He laughed. "It's not so bad."

Taylor is making an observation that all of them have moved from their original homes and have changed their names. Taylor used to be Marietta, Estevan is changing his name to Steven and Esperanza changed her name to Hope. they all did it for different reasons. Taylor wanted a new life and Steven and Hope needed to change if for safety purposes. Sometimes everyone just feels like need a new start of life and a new place to be.

Guardian Saints

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver

(pg. 254-272)

They were stopped by the boarder patrol and everything checked out okay until they asked if Turtle was Taylor's daughter or Estevan and Esperanza's. Taylor hesitated so Estevan said she was theirs. The next day they were driving through Oklahoma to the Broken Arrow Lodge. When they got there Irene made a large supper for them and put them up for the night. The next day Esperanza and Estevan decided to go with Taylor to the bar where she got Turtle before going to the safe house. When Taylor found the place they had changed owners and she had lost all leads. So when she couldn't figure anything else to do she decided to go to The Lake O' the Cherokees and they decided to come with her.

Taylor drove all that way only to be devastated that the owners had changed and she had no clue how she would ever get a relative of Turtles to sign her over to her. I wish Taylor would get a lead and be able to legally keep Turtle.

Night-Blooming Cereus

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
(pg. 231-253)

Taylor and Turtle continued for weeks to visit Cynthia, the social worker and Turtle eventually opened up and talked about the 'bad man'. Turtle was improving and all was well except one problem. Cynthia informed Taylor that she had no legal right to April (Turtle). Taylor was initially accepting that a state house might be able to take better care of Turtle than she could but eventually she decided she would do everything she could to keep Turtle. She soon found that the social worker, Cynthia wanted to help her keep Turtle too and gave her a name of someone in Oklahoma City that might help her.

So Taylor decided she would drive Esperanza and Estevan to the safe house in Oklahoma and while there get one of Turtles relatives to sign her over to Taylor. This idea was further cemented the night before she left, when the Cereus bloomed.

This occurrence happens once a year at night when the plant matures to a bloom. After this night the flower will not show a bloom for another year. This amazing occurrence gave Taylor hope and she felt she was doing the right thing. She decided that though this would be dangerous it was necessary for her to keep Turtle.


A Special Flower

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
Page 250

Lou Ann nosed into the flower at eye level and reported that it had a smell. She held Dwayne Ray up to it, but he didn't seem especially awake. " I can just barely make it out," she said, "but it's so sweet. Tart almost, like that lemon candy in a straw that I used to die for when I was a kid. It's just ever so faint."
"I can smell it from here." Edna spoke from the porch swing.
"Edna is the one who spots it," Virgie said. "If it were up to me I would never notice it to save my life."

This flower that boolms only once a year only a blind woman can smell. She is the one who spots when it blooms with the senses she has not with the one she doesn't.