Monday, September 6, 2010

Harmonious Space

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
(pg. 87-102)

Taylor got the job at the Burger Derby but because of problems with the boss she quit after six days. After that she had to find a new place to eat breakfast. She ate at Diners and discovered she could read the newspapers people left in their booths. So she started looking at the classifieds and looking for a new place to live as the Hotel Republic wasn't exactly the bast place to raise a child. One place was really environmentalist and earth mother. The second place Taylor checked out was right across the street from Jesus is Our Lord Used Tires and the owner also had a child.
Lou Ann Ruiz was the owner and on account of her husband moving out she got Taylor as her new housemate. Taylor and Turtle would have their own room and be able to use the screened in porch out back.
Well now it had definitely clicked that Lou Ann is not Turtles mother. But it is really great that these two characters have started such a wonderful friendship all from the common fact that the both have a child. Turtle is a girl and been around a few year and Dwayne Ray is a boy and a newborn but they still get along fine. I have also started to pick up on more of Lou Ann's low self esteem. This looks like it might be a good arrangement for the both of them.

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