Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Special Flower

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
Page 250

Lou Ann nosed into the flower at eye level and reported that it had a smell. She held Dwayne Ray up to it, but he didn't seem especially awake. " I can just barely make it out," she said, "but it's so sweet. Tart almost, like that lemon candy in a straw that I used to die for when I was a kid. It's just ever so faint."
"I can smell it from here." Edna spoke from the porch swing.
"Edna is the one who spots it," Virgie said. "If it were up to me I would never notice it to save my life."

This flower that boolms only once a year only a blind woman can smell. She is the one who spots when it blooms with the senses she has not with the one she doesn't.

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