Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Night-Blooming Cereus

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
(pg. 231-253)

Taylor and Turtle continued for weeks to visit Cynthia, the social worker and Turtle eventually opened up and talked about the 'bad man'. Turtle was improving and all was well except one problem. Cynthia informed Taylor that she had no legal right to April (Turtle). Taylor was initially accepting that a state house might be able to take better care of Turtle than she could but eventually she decided she would do everything she could to keep Turtle. She soon found that the social worker, Cynthia wanted to help her keep Turtle too and gave her a name of someone in Oklahoma City that might help her.

So Taylor decided she would drive Esperanza and Estevan to the safe house in Oklahoma and while there get one of Turtles relatives to sign her over to Taylor. This idea was further cemented the night before she left, when the Cereus bloomed.

This occurrence happens once a year at night when the plant matures to a bloom. After this night the flower will not show a bloom for another year. This amazing occurrence gave Taylor hope and she felt she was doing the right thing. She decided that though this would be dangerous it was necessary for her to keep Turtle.


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