Saturday, September 4, 2010

The truth shall set you free

The Scarlet Letter By: Nathaniel Hathorne
Page 168

"The excitement of Mr. Dimmesdal's feelings, as he returned from his interview with Hester, lent him unaccustomed physical energy, and hurried him townward at a rapid pace. The pathway among the woods seemed wilder, more uncouth with its rude natural obstacles, and less troddren by the foot of man, than he remembered it on his outward journey. But he leaped across the plashy places, thrust himself through the clinging underbrush, climbed the ascent, plunged into the hollow, and overcame, in short, all the difficulties of the track, with an unweariable activity that astonished him."

Prior to Dimmesdale's meeting with Hester he had been living a lie and a life surrounded by secrets. No one knew but Hester what his sin was and this guilt trapped him and made him drown in despair. When he met with Hester he faced his sin and it was a freeing experience. So much so that what previously he had struggle to do he did enthusiastically. Through this Dimmesdale experienced the freedom truth can provide.

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