Monday, September 6, 2010

A Friend

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
Page 60

"You want more juice, don't you?" Mattie said to Turtle in a grownup-to-baby voice. "It's a good thing I brought the whole bottle down in the first place."
"Please don't go out of your way," I said. "We've put you out enough already. I have to tell you the truth, I can't even afford to buy one tire right now, much less two. Not for a while, anyway, until I find work and a place for us to live." I picked up Turtle but she went on banging the cup against my shoulder.
"Why, honey, don't feel bad. I wasn't trying to make a sale. I just thought you two needed some cheering up."

Mattie was doing something nice just for the sake of being nice. She didn't have an ulterior motive behind her hospitality she just genuinely wanted to help. I think this speaks volumes on how to be a friend, which is one of the themes of the novel, friendship and family.


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