Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dream Angels

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
(pg. 203-214)

Lou Ann got a job at the Red Hot Mama's Salsa factory as a packer. She worked the swing shift so she would watch the children until 3pm when she would go to work and wouldn't get home until eleven at night. Through this Lou Ann gained more confidence and one night told Taylor why she was such a "worry wart." She had a dream one night were she was told by what appeared to her to be an angel told her Dwayne Ray would not live to the year 2000. Taylor comforted her by assuring her it was just a dream and telling her how great of a mom she was.

A month later, in June,when Lou Ann had done well in her job and become a manager, a package came from Montana. Angel wanted Lou Ann to come live with her in a yurt and Lou Ann had no clue what to do. Later at work Mattie told Taylor that Estevan and Esperanza might need to be moved to a different safe house or risk deportation.

Just when Lou Ann was starting to stand on her own to feet and gain some self confidence Angel has to send her a package. Id Lou Ann goes to live with him in Montana her confidence will go down the tubes and she'll go back to feeling sorry for herself. Now Estevan and Esperanza are good friends of Taylor, Can she bare to see them go?


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