Monday, September 6, 2010

How they Eat in Heaven

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
Page 145

"Now," he went on, "you can go and visit heaven. What? You see a room just like the first one, the same pot of stew, the same spoons as long as a sponge mop. but these people are all happy and fat."
"Real fat, or do you mean just well-fed?" Lou Ann asked.
"Just well-fed," he said. "Perfectly, magnificently well-fed, and very happy. Why do you think?"
He pinched up a chunk of pineapple in his chopsticks, neat as you please, and reached all the way across the table to offer it to Turtle. She took it like a newborn bird.

The people in hell were angry and starved because they couldn't feed themselves. The ones in Heaven had the same predicament but they did not stave and they helped each other. This help to show that in any situation in life things are what you make them, and you should always make the best of everyday.

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