Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Bean Trees

The Bean Trees By Barbara Kingsolver
(pg. 190-202)

In the morning Taylor made breakfast for Estevan and sent him on his way. She was thinking of Esperanza and thought she might go see her.
Turtle was much more rumbustious and Dwayne Ray would laugh and watch her play on the sun porch they had turned into a playroom.
That day they were sitting under the dying trees of the arbor in Roosevelt Park when Turtle called out, "Bean trees." Turtle noticed something beautiful about the ugliest tree in the park.
Taylor went to talk to Esperanza though Taylor did all of the talking. Esperanza came close to a smile at one point and ended up crying but Taylor felt she needed to talk to her and tell her she knew about Ismene.
That Wednesday when Taylor got off of work she spotted Lou Ann getting off the bus. When she ca;;ed her over Taylor heard of how the interview went and how terrible the interviewer was. Lou Ann admitted she was jealous of how strong of a person Taylor was.

Taylor admits to herself that she is in love with Estevan and does her best to be a friend to him and Esperanza. Lou Ann sees that she is down trodden and wishes she could be more like Taylor. This friendship between Taylor and Lou Ann brings out the best in both of them.


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