Monday, September 6, 2010

Valentine's Day

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
(pg. 103-120)

Taylor got a job with Mattie at Jesus is Our Lord Used Tires and Lou Ann would watch Turtle for her sometimes. Other times Mattie didn't mind if Taylor brought Turtle to work with her. Taylor was getting better at the job but eventually admitted to Mattie her fear of tires. Mattie promised that if they got a tractor in there she would do the tires.

One day after work Taylor decided to got to the "New to you store" and get Turtle some books. When she got home Lou Ann was making dinner and reading off names from a baby book to Turtle trying to see if Turtle would recognize one. This made Taylor mad especially since Lou Ann was watching Turtle and making all of the meals. So she talked to Lou Ann about it over a beer and they ended up laughing about it the whole night and forgave each other. Plus Lou Ann told Taylor more about Angel and why she was thinking about him because it was Valentine's Day.

Its amazing that the first person she met in Tucson has now given Taylor a job and been extremely helpful to her the whole time. Taylor is starting to get set-up in this town and though its very different from Kentucky she bonds with Lou Ann who is also from Kentucky originally and they both have babies. They formed an instant bond which we see hear will stand the test of time.

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