Monday, September 6, 2010

How they Eat in Heaven

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
(pg. 121-145)

A group of people gathered and in two cars drove up to a mountain and hiked to a picnic spot Lou Ann knew of. It was Lou Ann, Dwayne Ray, Taylor, Turtle, Mattie, and a young couple Esperanza and Estevan. Estevan was an English teacher back in Guatemala but Esperanza didn't speak a lot of English. Esperanza first was shocked when she saw Turtle because she reminded her of a child they had known in Guatemala. After eating Taylor, Estevan and Esperanza went for a swim.
On the drive back Estevan drove in front and then Taylor. As they were driving Estevan slammed on the breaks as a mother quail and her babies crossed the road. Taylor was petrifies and worried about Turtle until she found the noise she had made was a laugh.
Later in the week Taylor was helping Mattie plant seeds and showing them to Turtle when Turtle said her first word, 'bean.' Taylor was so proud of her and Turtle began to learn new words, mostly vegetables.
When they hear Mattie is going to be on TV they organize a dinner at Lou Ann's and Taylor's house. Then Lou Ann remembered that Angel had taken the TV and decided she would invite the neighbors as well for dinner and they could bring their portable TV. Taylor prepared the dinner and decided to make a Chinese dish. She had been in the store buying the supplies for the dinner when she ran into Estevan. So later when they cam to dinner Estevan brought chopsticks so it would be less dishes to wash, and be a more authentic meal. After watching Turtle struggle to eat with chopsticks Estevan tells a story of how they eat in Heaven.

We start to see Mattie is much more than an auto mechanic. She is also a gardener and an activist who tries to help those who flea to the United States for refuge. Taylor has been making friends with Estevan and Esperanza though she doesn't know much of their past. I wonder if Lou Ann will gain more strength as the novel progresses.

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