Monday, September 6, 2010

Tug Fork Water

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
(pg. 71-86)

Lou Ann convinced Angel to move back in while her family visited but they were still getting divorced. Because Lou Ann's family is Baptist her Grandmother Logan brought a Pepsi bottle filled with Tug Fork water from the creek Lou Ann and all her family were baptised in to pour over the baby when he was baptised, yes Lee Sing the grocer was wrong the baby is not a boy. They stayed for a while to see the baby and Grandma Logan was ready to leave due to the heat. Even though it was January is was still very hot. After they left Angel got home from work and when he found the water he poured it down the sink.

I think it is really nice of Lou Ann's family to come all that way to see the baby. It is weird that she won't tell her family she is getting a divorce and even so doesn't plan to give the child a baptism. I do think it is extremely rude for Angel to dump that water down the sink and I hope he leaves for good he is a jerk. It does appear that Lou Ann need s Angels support and can't completely function on her own.

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