Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Simple Beauty

The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
Page 193-194

Turtle was staring up at the wisteria flowers.
"Beans," she said pointing.
"Bees," I said. "Those things that go buzz are bees."
"They sting," Lou Ann pointed out.
But Turtle shook her head. "Bean trees," she said, as plainly as if she had been thinking about it all day. We looked where she was pointing. Some of the wisteria flowers had gone to seed, and all these wonderful long green pods hung down from the branches. They looked as much like beans as anything you'd ever care to eat
"Will you look at that," I said. It was another miracle. The flower trees were turning into bean trees.

Some things are so beautiful that everyone notices them. Somethings no one ever notices. Then there are things that are so simple yet magnificent in structure and still beautiful that only a child can see. As we get older we get more busy and more distracted with life that sometimes we can't notice the simple beauties of everyday life.

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