Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The Bean Trees By: Barbara Kingsolver
(pg. 176-189)

Estevan came to Lou Ann and Taylor's house the tell Taylor Esperanza tried to kill herself by downing a bottle of baby aspirin. They stayed up for a while and talked some about things in their pasts. Taylor told a story of a boy in her high school that fell between the cracks and was a very good student but didn't fit into any of the clicks. That boy killed himself. Estevan told Taylor why Esperanza might want to kill herself. He told he of time in jail in Guatemala and how people who went against what the government said got killed. He and Esperanza knew to much for them to be killed but they took their child Ismene and they never knew what happened to her.

It is very sad that Estevan and Esperanza will never know what happened to their child. That is a lot of grief to live with. Plus with being on the run Esperanza must have thought it would have been better to stop living. That is as low of a point in any person's life as you can go. I hope Esperanza can get better.

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